Corporate Buzz

31-08-2023 | read

NTPC PMI conducted a training programme on Pump Storage Hydro in collaboration with IIT-Roorkee from 28th to 30th of August in which 34 participants took part. Shri Ujjwal Kanti Bhattacharya, Director (Projects) spoke on the inaugural session and highlighted the importance of Pump Storage Projects (PSP) in India. Shri S N Tripathi, ED (PM) & RED (Hydro), Shri M K Srivastava, ED (Engineering) and Ms Rachana Singh Bhal, Head (PMI) were also present.

The programme offered twelve sessions covering various aspects of PSPs in India including their costing and integration issues. Prof. Arun Kumar and Prof. Himanshu Jain (IIT-Roorkee), Shri S L Kapil (Former ED, NHPC) and speakers from WAPCOS, GSI, VOITH and NHPC were among the faculty members. At the valediction, ED (PM) & RED (Hydro) presented certificates to the participants.